Leg 6 of our Road Trip: Drama at Caspar Beach, CA


Getting There

Our drive on Route 101 from the Redwoods to Caspar Beach was unforgettable, with narrow, cliff-hugging mountain roads that became the scariest part of our two years of travel. My sister got so anxious that she had to retreat to the back of the motorhome. I think it’s safe to say that these roads won't be on our itinerary again!

Our Home for Three Nights

Our stay at Caspar Beach RV Park, while a bit on the pricey side, was worth it. The campground offered full hookups and a convenient short trail leading to the beach. Despite the close proximity of campsites, the beauty of nearby hiking and biking trails, along with the convenience of being close to town, made up for it.

Activities to Experience

1.  Walk the short trail to the beach. 
  • We had our own little cove where my son was able to go fishing and we even had our own little handstand contest.

2.  Take your bike out for a spin. 

  • While biking the trails, my brother-in-law couldn't help but remark that he'd never ridden any place like it before, likening them to scenes straight out of New Zealand.

3.  As you hike from the campground to Casper Cemetery, be mindful of poison oak. 
  • During our journey, we crossed paths with a polite yet persistent older man who was keen on discussing politics. He proudly and loudly leaned strongly to the left and, unfortunately, our attempts at light conversation led to a thirty-minute one sided conversation that derailed our hike. Looking back, we realized that asking, "Do you know Jesus?" might have steered the conversation in a different direction or halted the unwanted political debate. He did suggest we visit the lighthouse and botanical gardens in town, but we ran out of time.

4. Make your way to Fort Bragg, a charming town filled with quaint local shops, delightful culinary options, and unique boutiques. 
  • We explored the town, found birthday presents and cookies for my sister and nephew, and celebrated their special day that evening.


A regrettable incident occurred when my two-year-old nephew took a tumble out of the motorhome, causing a scare and a swollen lip.

Nothing a cherished stuffed animal and ice cream couldn't take care of. The incident had been my sister's greatest fear as we embarked on our road trip. Thankfully, a visit to the dentist confirmed everything was fine. What amazed us most was the impeccable manners of our little one, constantly saying "thank you" to the dentist during the examination.

Overall Experience

Our short stay was a whirlwind of adventure, from the challenging Route 101 to my nephew's lip incident and unwanted political talk to a memorable birthday party. The coastal beauty and stunning scenery wowed us, but a few drawbacks like expenses, cramped sites, poison oak, dogs on the beach, and seaweed in the cove led us to rate this place a 3.5. Despite the downsides, we'll always remember the unique experiences and fond memories from our time here.

Bible Verse

Psalm 91:11

For he will order his angels

to protect you wherever you go.


  • This verse, simple yet profound, offers a powerful truth that resonates with mothers, and indeed, all parents. Our innate desire to protect our children can sometimes border on overbearing, driven by the deep and boundless love we hold for them. We become consumed by worry, inadvertently fostering anxiety in our little ones.

  • I can't speak for every mother, but I've certainly been there. The moment I witnessed my nephew’s fall out of the RV, it brought back vivid memories of when my daughter had her frightening fall from the top of a slide at just 18 months old or when my son had a near drowning experience. I've also had my share of accidents, just like my husband.

  • But what's clear in all of these situations is the divine hand of God, constantly and miraculously safeguarding us. Looking back, it's crystal clear. How fortunate we are to have a God who commands His angels to protect us. Believing in this verse has allowed me to let go and grant my children the freedom to simply be kids, knowing that they are in God's protective embrace.


Heavenly Father,

We thank you for your constant protection in a challenging world. Please continue to watch over us, our children, our loved ones, and those in need, especially in Israel. We may not always understand your ways, but we trust in your goodness and the promise of joy and peace during difficult times. Make your presence known to us today.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

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